Thursday, October 18, 2007

Extending the expiration of a specific volume

1. First, you will need to get a Save Set ID from the volume to extend. You can do this by double-clicking the volume in NetWorker Admin and getting the # from the SSID field.
2. Run the following command from the bin directory of Legato:
C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\bin>nsrmm –S ssid –e “xx/xx/xx”

NOTE: ssid = The Save Set Id # you got from the first set
Xx/xx/xx is the date you want the volume to be held until.

3. To verify that the save set has been extended you can run the following command:
C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\bin>mminfo –avot –r “ssid,ssretent” XXXXXX

NOTE: XXXXXX is the volume label

4. The volume’s expiration in NetWorker Administrator should now be set to the “xx/xx/xx” in step 2.

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