Thursday, November 15, 2007

RPCINFO for Legato server

In order to get the rpcinfo for the Legato Server from a command line type the following:

C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\bin>rpcinfo -p ServerName

This will display the following information:

program version protocol port#

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Running a backup from a client manually from the command line

C:\Program Files\legato\nsr\bin>save –vv –s ServerName –b PoolName pathname > TextfilePath 2>&1

-vv puts into Verbose mode for greater detail in debugging

-s Specifies the Networker server

-b specifies the pool of tapes to choose from

For example:

Save –vv –s NetworkerServer –b Default C:\backup_path > c:\legato.txt 2>&1

Run this command manually from the client computer to save the path C:\backup_path to a Default tape on the Networker server in verbose mode which saves the output to a file called legato.txt

Determining which volumes a Save Set is on

Run the following command, where ########## is the Save Set ID.

C:\Program Files\legato\nsr\bin>mminfo -avot -q ssid=##########

Extending the expiration of a specific volume

1. First, you will need to get a Save Set ID from the volume to extend. You can do this by double-clicking the volume in NetWorker Admin and getting the # from the SSID field.
2. Run the following command from the bin directory of Legato:
C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\bin>nsrmm –S ssid –e “xx/xx/xx”

NOTE: ssid = The Save Set Id # you got from the first set
Xx/xx/xx is the date you want the volume to be held until.

3. To verify that the save set has been extended you can run the following command:
C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\bin>mminfo –avot –r “ssid,ssretent” XXXXXX

NOTE: XXXXXX is the volume label

4. The volume’s expiration in NetWorker Administrator should now be set to the “xx/xx/xx” in step 2.

jbconfig Legato Networker on Windows 2003 Dell PowerVault 160T

This is an example for running the jbconfig command using Windows 2003 as the Networker Server connected to a Dell Powervault 160T device. This is only showing the setup for one tape drive, if you have more than one drive you would just repeat the process 3 more times. If you have any comments please feel free to add to this...

Bring up a command prompt and do the following..

C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\bin>jbconfig

Jbconfig is running on host (Windows Server 2003),
and is using as the NetWorker server.

1) Configure an AlphaStor Library.
2) Configure an Autodetected SCSI Jukebox.
3) Configure an Autodetected NDMP SCSI Jukebox.
4) Configure an SJI Jukebox.
5) Configure an STL Silo.
6) Configure a Microsoft Removable Storage Jukebox.

What kind of Jukebox are you configuring? [1] 2
Scanning SCSI buses; this may take a while ...
Installing 'Standard SCSI Jukebox' jukebox - scsidev@#.#.#.

What name do you want to assign to this jukebox device? DELLPOWERVAULT160T
Attempting to detect serial numbers on the jukebox and drives ...

Will try to use SCSI information returned by jukebox to configure drives.

Turn NetWorker auto-cleaning on (yes / no) [yes]? no

The following drive(s) can be auto-configured in this jukebox:
1> LTO Ultrium-2 @ #.#.# ==> \\.\Tape0

These are all the drives that this jukebox has reported.

To change the drive model(s) or configure them as shared or NDMP drives,
you need to bypass auto-configure. Bypass auto-configure? (yes / no) [no] yes
Is (any path of) any drive intended for NDMP use? (yes / no) [no] yes
Is any drive going to have more than one path defined? (yes / no) [no] yes

You will be prompted for multiple paths for each drive.
Pressing on a null default advances to the next drive.

Please enter the device path information in one of the following formats:

\\.\Tape0 --for local path or
host:device-path --for remote node or NDMP device(s) or
host:drive-letter:directory path --for Windows disk file

After you have entered a device path, you will be prompted for an NDMP
user name for that path's host. If this device path is not an NDMP device,
press the enter key to advance to the next device path. For NDMP devices,
you need to enter the user name and password the first time we encounter
that NDMP host. Pressing the enter key for the NDMP user name for any
subsequent device path on the same host will set the user name and password
to those defined the first time. You will not be prompted for the password
in such a case.

Drive 1, element ###, system device name = \\.\Tape0,
local bus, target, lun value = #.#.#,
WWNN=################ model LTO Ultrium-2
Device path 1 ? [\\.\Tape0] \\.\Tape0
Device path 2 ? StorageNode:\\.\Tape0
Is this device configured as NDMP? (yes / no) [no]no
Device path 3 ? StorageNode:\\.\Tape0
Is this device configured as NDMP? (yes / no) [no]no
Device path 4 ? DataMover:device-path
Is this device configured as NDMP? (yes / no) [no]yes
Enter NDMP user name: ? username
Enter on NDMP password (characters will not be echoed): ********
Device path 5 ? DataMover:device-path
Is this device configured as NDMP? (yes / no) [no]yes
Enter NDMP user name: ? username
Enter on NDMP password (characters will not be echoed): ********
Device path 6 ?

Only model LTO Ultrium-2 drives have been detected.
Are all drives in this jukebox of the same model? (yes / no) [yes] yes

A Dedicated Storage Node can backup only local data to its devices.
Should StorageNode be configured as a Dedicated Storage Node? (yes / no) [no] no

A Dedicated Storage Node can backup only local data to its devices.
Should StorageNode be configured as a Dedicated Storage Node? (yes / no) [no] no

Jukebox has been added successfully

The following configuration options have been set:

> Jukebox description to the control port and model.
> Autochanger control port to the port at which we found it.
> Autocleaning off.
> At least one drive was defined with multiple paths. All such drives are
defined with a hardware identification as well as a path value to avoid
confusion by uniquely identifying the drive. The hardware identification
for all drives which have one is always 'autochanger_name - Drive #' where
"autochanger_name" is the name you gave to the autochanger that was
just defined, and the # symbol is the drive number.
> Barcode reading to on.
> Volume labels that match the barcodes.

You can review and change the characteristics of the autochanger and its
associated devices using the NetWorker Management Console.

Would you like to configure another jukebox? (yes/no) [no]no